Mental Health

At Imokilly Medical Centre we consider your mental health to be as important as your physical health. There are many fantastic mental health services now available in Ireland and we can help you access those of most benefit to you. We can also help you talk through your concerns and your full mental health care can be delivered through our team of GPs. We are experienced at dealing with many different aspects of mental health, including those listed below, but if you have any concern who haven’t seen listed on our website please do call our reception team and we will help you.

  • Anxiety/Panic
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Addiction
  • Grief
  • Self-harm

Please click here to view a list of links to useful websites offering support.

If you are concerned for a family member or friend and are unsure what to do please contact our reception team by phone or email. At the moment we can only facilitate appointments for patients who are registered at this Practice, if your family member/friend is registered here we can offer you support and an appointment time for them to attend. If you are concerned about someone who is not a registered patient of ours it may be best to contact their own GP or in an emergency situation bring them directly to an A&E facility.