Practice Policies

Please note that this is not a finite list of Imokilly Medical Centre Practice Policies. All policies are available to read in Reception or can be requested via email if you wish to view a particular policy. Policies are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Below you will find some of our most common day-to-day policies followed by a list of other Practice Policies which can be viewed on request.

Bloods Policy

Imokilly Medical Centre (IMC) is committed to providing a safe, appropriate service where patients and staff can be confident that best practice is being followed at all times. In line with this it is the policy of IMC that the below conditions be adhered to when patients require bloods to be taken as part of their appointment.

Routine Bloods

Routine bloods can be done at the request of a doctor or part of a check-up or prescription review. It is the policy of IMC that appointments including bloods be booked with one of our doctors. This is to include a follow up and any required prescriptions as a result of the bloods. These bloods are often communicated to your Consultant and can be included on any required referrals that we send.

Consultant Requested Bloods without GP Review

IMC are happy to provide a phlebotomy service for patients who need to have bloods done at the request of a Consultant. These bloods will be booked with our Practice Nurse and all required follow up will be the responsibility of the requesting Consultant. Patients booking for these will need to have a letter from their Consultant listing all requested tests. It is not the responsibility of IMC to find out what tests are required. Results will be forwarded to the requesting Consultant when available. IMC will not be responsible if blood results are not available on time for your Consultant appointment. Bloods requested by a Consultant are not covered by Medical Cards or DVC and will incur a fee.

Paediatric Bloods

Paediatric bloods will be booked at the request of a doctor only. Children must attend a consultation with a doctor prior to any bloods appointment being offered. Paediatric bloods are not covered by the under 8 Doctor Visit Card or Medical Cards and will incur a fee. Paediatric bloods requested by a Consultant will be facilitated as above. It may be necessary to refer children on to a hospital phlebotomy clinic.

Ante-Natal Bloods

Ante-natal bloods will be facilitated when clinically necessary and appropriate. Bloods at the request of a Consultant are not covered by the Mother & Infant Scheme and therefore will incur a fee.

Blood Results

It is the policy of IMC that all results be reviewed by a member of our clinical team before being forwarded to patients. Results of tests requested by Consultants will be forwarded to them directly and it will be the responsibility of that Consultant to provide follow up. If you would like to discuss results from Consultant requested bloods you will need to book a doctor appointment.

IMC will not be able to provide follow up advice on any sample that was not requested or approved by us.

Code of Conduct Policy

For the health, safety and comfort of all our patients, we ask that patients and visitors follow the guidelines in our Code of Conduct.

Our staff provides the highest quality of care to our patients. Please show them the respect they deserve as they carry out their duties. Patients and visitors who do not comply with this Code of Conduct will be asked to leave Imokilly Medical Centre (IMC). Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Visitor privileges will not be restricted, limited or denied on the basis of race, colour, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. IMC does have the right to restrict visitation based on an individual’s behaviour, and any other circumstances as deemed inappropriate by IMC.
  • Children should be supervised at all times for their safety and the safety and care of other patients.
  • We do not tolerate disruptive language or violent behaviour towards staff, other patients, or any visitor to IMC. Abusive or disruptive language will not be tolerated in person, over the phone, by email or by any means of communication.
  • We ask that patients do not take photographs of other patients or staff in IMC – photographs require consent from the person before taking their picture.
  • Patients and visitors at IMC should be respectful of others using our Practice. Please be aware of noise level when conversing or using media on any personal device.
  • All patients and visitors must respect each other’s right to privacy.
  • Due to the nature of the services we provide, patients will often be discussing sensitive topics and should be given the opportunity to do so without interruption or involvement from anyone else. Please do not interrupt anyone speaking with any member of staff, even if they are doing so in a shared space of the Practice.
  • Smoking in Ireland is banned fully in the general workplace, enclosed public places, restaurants, bars, education facilities, healthcare facilities and public transport. IMC is an entirely smoke free premises including the use of E-Cigarettes or any other smoking device.
  • All patients and visitors to IMC must respect the property of others and of IMC. Property should not be intentionally damaged or misused.

IMC reserves its rights to take any action which may be necessary to prevent any disruption by any persons upon the premises. By entering the premises all visitors accept this Code of Conduct.

Medical Certificate and Letter Policy

Imokilly Medical Centre (IMC) can provide Medical Certificates and letters to patients with approval from a Doctor only. Certificates and Letters are fully at the discretion of whichever Doctor the patient is seeing. IMC reserve the right to refuse to furnish a certificate or letter if not medically appropriate.

Social Welfare Certificates

Social Welfare Certificates (Certificate of incapacity for work) can be issued when a patient is unable to attend their place of work due to medical reasons in line with Department of Social Protection criteria. There is no charge for Social Welfare Certificates.

Medical Certificates for Employer

If you do not wish to make a Social Welfare claim or do not qualify IMC may issue a medical certificate for your employer. It is the policy of IMC that patients be seen by a Doctor in order to obtain a medical certificate, however in certain circumstances a Doctor may approve an extension to an existing cert without requiring a follow-up visit. This is entirely at the discretion of your Doctor.

Return to Employment Letter

It is the policy of IMC that a patient must attend for an appointment if they require a letter confirming their fitness to work.

All other letters; such as medical exemption, travel requirements etc, will be furnished with approval from a Doctor only. Letter requests will require a minimum of 48hours notice and cannot be issued by any member of our admin team.

Letters and medical certificates incur a €10 administration charge which must be paid in advance of the patient receiving the letter. GMS does not cover administration fees.

Repeat Prescription Policy

Imokilly Medical Centre (IMC) will take requests for repeat prescriptions via email or our website intake form. Repeat prescription requests must be given with at least 48hours notice in order for Doctors to safely review all medication.

In line with best medical practice and Irish Medical Council guidelines, a GP review is required every 6months for all long-term prescriptions*. We are happy to renew long term prescriptions without an appointment only if it is safe and appropriate to do so. You will be asked to attend an appointment before your script is issued if we have not seen you for a review within the past 6months. This includes GMS, DVC and private patients.

New medication or an acute prescription you will require the patient to attend an appointment. Acute prescriptions include short term items to treat infection, injuries and sudden onset conditions etc. For example; acute prescriptions include anti-biotics, pain medication, and steroids. If in doubt the safest option is to attend an appointment.

*Some long term prescriptions will only require a 12month review once stabilised. This includes HRT and contraception.

Sample Policy

Imokilly Medical Centre (IMC) will not accept unsolicited samples of any kind at reception.

IMC reception staff will strictly accept samples under the instruction of our own clinical staff only and will not accept samples requested by another medical facility or at a patient’s request. This is for patient safety, follow up care and hygiene purposes.

If any patient would like to discuss the need for sending a sample of any kind we invite you to make an appointment with a member of our clinical team.

IMC will not be able to provide follow up advice on any sample that was not requested or approved by us.

Other Practice Policies

Chaperone Policy

Child Protection Policy

Complaints Policy (available here)

Consent Policy

Data Protection Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

Dress Code Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

First Aid Policy

Hand Hygiene Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Infection Control Policy

Intern Policy

Lone Worker Policy

Pregnancy Policy

Privacy Policy

Registrar Policy

Sharps Injury Policy

Student Policy

Visitor Policy

Waste Management and Clinical Waste Policy